Food That Kills Sperm In The Female Body: What To Eat Or Avoid?

Food That Kills Sperm In The Female Body: What To Eat Or Avoid?
Sexual Health

Food That Kills Sperm In The Female Body: What To Eat Or Avoid?

Apr 15, 2023

The thought that diet can impact reproductive health worries many women. There is a pervasive misconception that some meals might have a detrimental impact on sperm production and even kill sperm in the female body. The reproduction process critically depends on the sperm's health, and any harm to the sperm can reduce fertility. 

While sperm health can be impacted by a variety of factors, including age, lifestyle, and environmental factors, there is food that kills the sperm in the female body. In this article, we will examine the science supporting this assertion and detail the foods the female body uses to kill sperm.

Understanding The Cruciality Of Sperm Health 

Sperm cells are the building blocks of human reproduction, but they can be killed by various agents, leading to infertility or other reproductive problems. We'll talk about the different things, including food that kills sperm in the female body. The study by the National Library of Medicine confirmed that 15% of couples in the U.S. are affected by infertility due to a bad diet. Even in the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for 2020-2025, experts recommend the high consumption of plant-based foods and avoiding foods like meat, eggs, etc.

Doctor holding dummy sperm

  • The first thing to understand about sperm health is that sperm cells are susceptible and can be destroyed by a wide range of substances. High temperature, chemicals, radiation, and stress are some of the most typical causes of damage to sperm cells. These cells may overheat and perish as a result of high temperatures.
  • Pesticides and heavy metals are two examples of toxins that can harm sperm cells and prevent them from fertilizing eggs. Sperm cells can also potentially be destroyed by radiation, including UV light from the sun.
  • Lifestyle decisions are another essential factor that damages the sperm’s cell. Alcohol consumption and smoking impair sperm cells' ability to divide and move freely. Additionally, sperm cells can be harmed by a poor diet deficient in crucial vitamins and minerals like zinc, selenium, and vitamin C, decreasing their likelihood of fertilizing an egg. 
  • Your sperm cells may also suffer if you don't exercise or get enough sleep. During this, the type of food you eat before going to sleep plays a significant role in maintaining the overall health of the sperm in the female body. Various food that kills sperm in the female body and should be avoided at any cost.

Reasons For Having Low Sperm Count In The Female Body

There are several reasons why females might have lower sperm count. Women who have fertility problems and take contraceptive measures during sexual intercourse may have lower sperm counts. Natural remedies can be used in addition to the many medical treatments available for such circumstances. Some foods, including those high in vitamins and minerals, can aid in promoting fertility.

List Of Food That Kills Sperm In the Female Body

Some foods may be harmful to the health of sperm and are often consumed by women daily. Due to the less awareness, some foods are available in the daily diet and cause long-term adverse effects on the sexual health of females. Here is the list of food that kills sperm in the female body:

1- Soy-Based Foods 

Phytoestrogens, which mimic the actions of estrogen in the body, are present in soy-based products. Sperm motility can be decreased, and sperm production can interfere when the food has high phytoestrogen levels. 

It is a soya-based food that is rich in protein and often eaten as a healthy food for weight. So, it is essential to note for you that a soy-based diet is the food that kills sperm in the female body.

2- Alcohol 

Drinking too much alcohol can interfere with hormone levels, which can harm the health of sperm. Additionally, it may damage the liver, lowering testosterone levels in the body. According to the research, more than 70% of women in America consume alcohol in more than recommended doses. Alcohol can have long-term effects on sperm health.

3- Red Meat

High quantities of saturated fats found in red meat may impact how women's bodies produce hormones. Studies have demonstrated that eating a lot of red meat can boost estrogen levels, which can kill sperm cells.

4- Mint 

Although mint is frequently used for refreshing breath, it might potentially lower sperm count. Menthol, which can suppress testosterone levels and impact sperm production, is a component of mint. Regular use of mint-flavored items or chewing mint gum can lower sperm count.

5- Grapefruit 

Inhibiting the action of liver and gastrointestinal enzymes can alter the metabolism of hormones, including estrogen. Grapefruit contains chemicals that can do this. Sperm cells may be destroyed due to high estrogen levels in female bodies.

Nevertheless, it is important to remember that modest grapefruit consumption is unlikely to impact sperm health substantially.

6- Soda 

High quantities of sugar and caffeine found in soda can be harmful to the health of sperm. Consuming too much sugar can result in insulin resistance, disrupt hormone balance, and harm sperm quality. Additionally, caffeine might lower sperm counts and decrease sperm motility.

7- Processed Meals

Trans fats, frequently found in high concentrations in processed foods, can worsen inflammation in the body and lower sperm counts. It is considered the food that kills sperm in the female body two times faster than other foods. Dieticians recommend avoiding processed meals for women who have infertility issues.

8- Papaya  

Papain, an enzyme with spermicidal capabilities, has been found in the tropical fruit papaya. According to the study, papain, at a concentration of 1%, may immobilize 100% of sperm in under 30 minutes. Even though additional research is required to determine papaya's efficacy as a natural contraceptive, including this fruit in your diet might be worthwhile.

9- Dairy Products High In Fat

Saturated fats, which can impact how women's bodies produce hormones, are abundant in high-fat dairy products. According to various studies, eating a lot of high-fat dairy products can result in higher estrogen levels, which can harm sperm cells.

10- Caffeine

Although moderate caffeine use is typically considered harmless, large doses of the substance can harm sperm and decrease the likelihood of pregnancy. With the rising concerns of stress, caffeine is often consumed in high doses in the form of coffee, soft drinks, and more. It might energize you for a few hours but also kill the sperm in the body, which causes various complexities like vaginal odor that are hard to go away.

These are the foods that kill sperm in the female body; it is also crucial to keep in mind that they shouldn't be utilized as the only form of birth control or fertility treatment. Before making any dietary changes, it is crucial to speak with a healthcare professional and employ the proper contraceptive method if necessary.

Recommended Foods That Are Ideal For Sperm Health

Several foods support ideal sperm health. If you have a lower sperm count and suffer from infertility problems, you can eat these foods.

1- Fruits And Vegetables 

Fruits and green leafy vegetables are good sources of vitamins and minerals crucial for overall health, including the quality of the sperm. Consuming a range of vibrant fruits and vegetables can assist in supplying essential nutrients that can help enhance sperm motility and production.

2- Nuts And Seeds

Nuts and seeds are a good source of protein, vital vitamins and minerals, and healthy fats that can promote the healthiest sperm. Nutrients that can help with fertility can be found in various nuts and seeds, including almonds, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds.

3- Whole Grains

Whole grains are a good source of fiber, which can help balance hormone levels and support ideal sperm health. Brown rice & whole wheat bread are two examples of whole grains.

4- Fish 

Fishes high in mercury include sharks, swordfish, and king mackerel, all of which can impact the number and quality of sperm.

5- Walnuts 

In a short study conducted by the National Institute Of Health in 2012, 117 men between the ages of 21 and 35 were given the option of eating or not eating 18 walnuts each day for 12 weeks. Before and following the study period, the researchers compared the sperm parameters. Only the nut group showed any discernible improvements in sperm viability.

6- Lean Protein 

Consuming lean protein, such as that found in foods like chicken, fish, and tofu, can aid in supplying the necessary amino acids for the development of sperm. Apart from these foods, drinking water to stay hydrated, essential for the best sperm health, can be achieved by drinking plenty of water. Sperm count and motility can decline as a result of dehydration.

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Expert Tips For Enhancing Sperm Health: Note It Down

Poor fertility in women can affect the next generations. That is why it is vital to take care of the sperm count and take protective measures to regulate its level in the body. As we mentioned, the food that kills sperm in the body and the list of food that you can consume control the sperm count. We sort out the proven tips shared by sexual health experts to enhance sperm health.

  • Eat organic-based vegetables and make sure to wash them thoroughly.
  • Consume less processed meat and more fish.
  • Eat less fried junk food and be cautious with trans fats.
  • Cut back on soy-based foods.
  • Bisphenol A (BPA) should be avoided in canned products. Look for cans without BPA. 
  • Limit consumption of high-fat dairy products like ice cream and whole milk.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol
  •  Eat walnuts.
  • Maintain moderate weight

Wrap Up 

Sperm cells are responsible for reproduction and promote fertility in women's bodies. The majority of females consume the food that kills sperm in the female body and suffers from serious sexual problems that lead to problems at the time of pregnancy. We listed the following foods that you should avoid eating and consume alternatives to regulate the sperm count in the body. 

Having a healthy diet will naturally make you sexually fit. In case of any hormone-related complexity, we advise you to contact a medical expert for appropriate treatment and therapy. If you find the above information helpful, please share this post with others. You can also explore our different categories for insightful tips on treating various health problems. For future updates on the latest posts, subscribe to our newsletter now!



If I Want To Lower Sperm Count, Is It Okay To Only Make Dietary Changes?

The safest way to lower sperm count is not just by changing your diet. While some meals may have the ability to affect sperm motility and production, they shouldn't be utilized as the only form of birth control or fertility treatment. Proper contraceptive techniques and consultation with a healthcare professional are crucial.

Are There Things That Can Harm Sperm In A Female Body?

It is not accurate to suggest that food kills sperm in the female body, even though it may harm sperm health. To encourage good fertility, eating a healthy, balanced diet is critical.

Does Soy Consumption Impact Female Fertility?

Phytoestrogens, which are found in soy products, can affect sperm motility and production. While moderate soy product consumption is usually considered safe, restricting intake may be advantageous if you're trying to get pregnant.

Does Caffeine Impact The Quality Of Sperm?

High doses of caffeine can decrease sperm quality and lower the likelihood of conception, even though moderate caffeine consumption is typically considered safe. Reducing your coffee intake may be advantageous if you're trying to get pregnant.

How Can Alcohol Impact The Health Of Sperm?

Alcohol usage can alter hormone levels, which can be harmful to the health of sperm. Additionally, it may harm the liver, which may lower testosterone levels.

Are There Any Further Meals That Might Harm Sperm?

Yes, there are several other items, such as processed meats, fish that are high in mercury, and trans fats, that can have an impact on sperm health.

How May My General Reproductive Health Be Improved?

Overall reproductive health can be enhanced by eating well, exercising frequently, abstaining from tobacco use and excessive alcohol usage, and controlling stress.

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