Will I Lose Weight When They Remove Ovarian Cyst?

Will I Lose Weight When They Remove Ovarian Cyst?
Weight Loss

Will I Lose Weight When They Remove Ovarian Cyst?

Jun 21, 2023

The female body undergoes a variety of changes as it grows. Ovarian cysts may develop in the body when the female reproductive system begins to produce the hormones that regulate their growth. According to the National Library of Medicine (NLM), women who are in the period between adolescence and menopause are more prone to develop ovarian cysts. These are common among women during the ovulation period. 

Most of ovarian cysts are harmless and require no treatment but some ovarian cysts are cancerous and should be removed by surgical procedure to avoid infection or other complications. Most people often ask: Will I lose weight when they remove ovarian cyst? For this, you must be well-informed about ovarian cysts. In this blog, we will discuss how removing ovarian cysts will affect the overall health of your body.

What Is An Ovarian Cyst?

Will I Lose Weight When They Remove Ovarian Cyst?

A fluid-filled sac is usually observed on or inside the ovary which is known as an ovarian cyst. It can be formed during the monthly ovulation process. These cysts can range from a diameter of 2–3 cm. But in some cases, the size may exceed 10 cm. Some ovarian cysts are harmless and disappear on their own. But some of them can grow bigger and can cause problems like pain in the lower abdomen or even infertility. 

Different Types Of Cyst

There are different types of cysts that can be dangerous if not treated properly. The most common ovarian cyst include the following:

Functional Cyst

A functional cyst is the most common ovarian cyst which can occur during ovulation. These cysts typically develop when an ovarian follicle fails to release an egg. A functional cyst is harmless and can usually shrink within a few months in the absence of treatment.

Endometriosis Cyst 

Endometriosis is a disorder in which the tissue that ordinarily lines the interior of the uterus develops outside of it. This cyst is also known as a chocolate cyst, due to the presence of chocolate fluid inside the ovary. Endometriosis can be painful and uncomfortable and may need to be treated surgically or with medicine. 

Dermoid Cyst 

This type of cyst is made up of cells with numerous human organs, including the skin, teeth, and hair. Dermoid cysts are generally not dangerous, but they need to be surgically removed if they produce severe symptoms.


These cysts develop from the ovarian tissue and can be filled with fluid or mucus. They are usually harmless but sometimes may require surgery to avoid emergency conditions.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Cyst formation in the ovaries can also be caused by polycystic ovarian syndrome. It is a hormonal disorder that can lead to the development of several small cysts in the ovaries. This syndrome is affecting more and more women every day. Many women are experiencing infertility and irregular periods as a result of this cyst. Some women may also gain weight because of this syndrome.

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What Causes Ovarian Cysts? 

While ovulation is the main cause of cyst development in ovaries, there can also be other causes of the formation of cysts which may include:

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Endometriosis
  • Pregnancy
  • Pelvic infection 

What Are The Symptoms Of Ovarian Cyst 

Most of the ovary’s cysts do not show any symptoms as some of the cysts can disappear within a few months. However, in some cases, the symptoms can occur when the cyst develops into a bigger size. Ovarian cysts commonly show the following symptoms:

  • Pelvic pain 
  • Swelling or abdominal bloating 
  • Painful intercourse 
  • Irregular periods 
  • Pain in thighs and lower back 

Some of the severe symptoms of an ovarian cyst that require immediate medical attention are as follows:

  • Sharp or severe pelvic pain
  • Rapid breathing 
  • Fever
  • Dizziness 
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Bleeding from vagina

These signs and symptoms can appear in females who have an ovarian torsion or a ruptured cyst. If this cyst were not treated in the early stage it can cause a serious complication. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms you should consult a health professional to get the proper information and advice for the symptoms. 

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How Is An Ovarian Cyst Diagnosed? 

Different types of examinations and various blood tests can be used to diagnose ovarian cysts which might include:

Normal Ovary vs Ovarian Cysts

Physical Examination

Your doctor may examine your abdomen to look for any signs of swelling or soreness in your abdomen. If the size of the cyst is too large the doctor may also be able to feel it during the physical examination.


An ovarian cyst can be easily detected by the ultrasound scan which can also be used to track the location, size, and development of the cyst. The scanning procedure makes images of the ovaries using sound waves, and it can help doctors to identify the kind of cyst you have.

Blood Tests 

Your doctor can also recommend a blood test to determine the type of cyst. In some cases the risk of cancer can develop in the cyst, in this condition your gynecologist may recommend you a CA (Cancer Antigen 125 )blood test. The CA 125 blood tests can help your doctor determine the early signs of ovarian cancer. But CA 125 is not always recommended to all patients with ovarian cysts as the chance of cancer developing in the cyst varies according to the patient's condition.

How To Remove Ovarian Cyst? 

The removal of an ovarian cyst depends on various factors such as its size, type, and symptoms. The following options may be considered for removing ovarian cysts:

Birth Control Pills 

Ovarian cysts can develop more frequently in women during ovulation. The most common are functional cysts and they do not require surgery. However, the gynecologist may prescribe you birth control pills that contain estrogen which can help you to reduce the risk of developing functional cysts.


If the cyst is large, complex, or causing severe symptoms, your doctor may recommend surgical removal. This involves a laparoscopic procedure to remove the cyst. In this procedure, the surgeon will make a small incision in your lower abdomen which is typically done under general anesthesia. This is a minimally invasive surgical technique that involves the insertion of a small, lighted instrument into the abdomen to view the cyst. The cyst is then removed using a specialized tool.


However, if the cyst is too large for a laparoscopic procedure then the surgeon might choose laparotomy surgery. This procedure is also done under general anesthesia. This is a more invasive surgical procedure where the surgeon makes a larger incision in your abdomen to remove the cyst. Laparotomy surgery can also be used when your doctor suspects cancer in your ovaries. If the cyst is cancerous the entire ovary can be removed rather than just the cyst.

Does Removing An Ovarian Cyst Make You Lose Weight?

The effect of weight loss after ovarian cyst removal can vary on the women’s cyst size and other circumstances. Although it is sometimes possible to lose weight after the removal of an ovarian cyst due to the change in hormone levels. You may experience weight loss if the cyst size is too large and removed by surgery.

Some women with ovarian cancer are more prone to experience weight loss, due to the medical condition and some side effects of the treatment. Rapid weight loss after the surgery can cause severe side effects on your health and require a medical examination. To identify the cause of the issue with your weight loss, it is important to discuss the weight-related problems with your medical professional.

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Wrap Up

By reading the above information you can now understand the cause of weight loss after the removal of surgery. Now you have an answer to the question: Will I lose weight when they remove ovarian cyst? If you have any concerns about the weight gain or loss associated with your surgery, it is important to discuss all the necessary details with your healthcare provider. We hope this blog will help you get enough information about ovarian cysts and their effects on weight loss. For reading research-backed and expert-reviewed blogs on weight loss, diabetes, nutrition, skincare, and more subscribe to Health Tips and Guide.


What Causes Ovarian Cysts?

Ovarian cysts can be caused by monthly ovulation which can result in the occurrence of a functional cyst. Some underlying conditions like endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can also lead to the development of ovarian cysts.

What Are The Symptoms Of Ovarian Cyst?

While in some cases the ovarian cyst may not appear symptoms. However, if you have a large ovarian cyst some symptoms can appear like:

    • Pelvic pain 
    • Swelling or abdominal bloating
    • Painful intercourse
    • Irregular periods
    • Pain in thighs and lower back

    Are Ovarian Cyst Cancerous?

    Most of the ovarian cysts are harmless and do not cause a major problem in your health. But in some cases, cysts can develop into cancerous cysts so it’s important to talk to your doctor if you suspect any symptoms of an ovarian cyst.

    What Is The Treatment for Ovarian Cyst?

    Depending on the size and form of the cysts, ovarian cysts are treated differently. Cysts may disappear on their own. A laparoscopy or a laparotomy may be required for certain people, while others may need to utilize birth control pills.

    Is Weight Loss A Common Side Effect Of Ovarian Cyst Removal?

    The removal of ovarian cysts does not frequently cause weight loss as a side effect. Although some people may lose weight as a result of the surgery because of the changes in hormone levels.

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